Here at Write 2 Earn AKA Routledge from Triond/Bukisa the purpose is to create a blog everyone can use that will help them build traffic and search engine ranking to their Triond/Blog/Bukisa/Hubpages articles. You simply post the first paragraph (or a custom summary of your article) then a link to read the rest wherever it is posted. Blogger is highly ranked with Google and as we post more as a team and group it will become higher ranked. This will have a two fold purpose! You can read more Here!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Why Triond Needs to Step Up its Editorial Work

Am I the first to notice? Or did it just sort of slip below the radar? Plagiarism of other writers is bad form at the least. While it may happen on one site that another’s work is brazenly copied without the editors noticing it, it should be evident if the publication is on the same site.
I am quite used to finding one or another article of mine having been copied by a writer on another site. I am quite flattered by that, as it proves my writing is better than anything they have on that site, but I surely take steps.

Read more: Why Triond Needs to Step Up its Editorial Work

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Why Every Triond User Should Have an Expertscolumn Account, Too

A Triond friend of mine recently advised me to open an account with Expertscolumn to republish my articles. While I do that sporadically, I found a reason as to why every Triond (and any other writer for all that) user should have an account there, even if they do not intend to publish there.
Expertscolumn is a publishing site based in India. While it offers you the possibility to submit articles, the choice of possible subjects is quite limited as opposed to the freedom we enjoy on Triond. But unlike Triond, they do not insist on original material and allow you to republish articles you have published on other sites. Al they ask is that you use the same user name as on the original publishing site.

Join Expertscolumn via this link.

Read more: Why Every Triond User Should Have an Expertscolumn Account, Too

The Extraordinary Gift of Offending People

Being offensive is an easy thing to do and something most people are quite good at; doing it intelligently, though, is a literary achievement. Auberon Waugh was a master of this craft and excelled at finding the hornet’s nest where none existed before.
William Cook’s Kiss Me Chudleigh: The World According To Auberon Waugh was published by Coronet. While the book is classified as a biography, I hesitate to dump it on that pile without a rider; it is as much a biography as it is a literary guide to Waugh’s writing complete with explanations by Cook.

Read more: The Extraordinary Gift of Offending