Here at Write 2 Earn AKA Routledge from Triond/Bukisa the purpose is to create a blog everyone can use that will help them build traffic and search engine ranking to their Triond/Blog/Bukisa/Hubpages articles. You simply post the first paragraph (or a custom summary of your article) then a link to read the rest wherever it is posted. Blogger is highly ranked with Google and as we post more as a team and group it will become higher ranked. This will have a two fold purpose! You can read more Here!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Why You Should Join in Triond’s September Challenge

Online writers should always be up for a challenge, and a 30 percent bonus is not to be sneezed at, either. You should therefore take up Triond’s September challenge and publish your articles there to earn it. The challenge will do Triond a deal of good, as well as profiting all the site’s writers.
If you haven’t heard of the Triond challenges before, here’s the quick rundown of this September’s bonus scheme: Publish five articles and find five articles to flag (for wrong placement or other reasons) to earn a 10 percent bonus; publish 10 articles and find two articles to flag to earn a 20 percent bonus; or publish 20 articles to earn a 30 percent bonus. Sounds tempting? It is.

Read more: Why You Should Join in Triond’s September Challenge

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